Au Cameroun, les contributions d’un large éventail d’acteurs ont permis d’accroître la disponibilité des données et de produire un Atlas des risques.
West Africa
Everybody has a role: How stakeholders are contributing to increase urban resilience in Cameroon
The Ngaoundéré City Council (NCC) is using a stakeholder-driven Risk Atlas to inform urban management and planning.
The Open Cities AI Challenge
Segment buildings in African cities from aerial imagery and advance Responsible AI ideas for disaster risk management
À Saint-Louis, Sénégal, open source et cartographie libre pour s’adapter à la montée des eaux
Les données sont nécessaires pour la prise de décision. Elles sont utiles si elles sont à jour, précises et exhaustives, encore faut-il qu’elles soient accessibles et partagées !
My Experience as a Student Mapper for Open Cities Accra
Anyone can contribute to OpenStreetMap. But few gain the chance to see the other side of the collaborative mapping process: when field mappers take to the streets.
Tackling Coastal Flooding in Monrovia Slums: Understanding through partnerships, one community at a time
In the informal settlements of Liberia’s largest city, Open Cities Africa is introducing a dynamic open data workflow to support urban planning and protect residents from flood.
Understanding Niamey’s flood risk through open source mapping, drones, and modeling
For thousands of years, the Niger River has been the lifeblood for not only Niger, but also its neighboring countries in the Niger River Basin. Yet, even as many Nigeriens depend on the mighty waterway for food, water, and livelihoods, the Niger River also poses a severe flood risk to the West African country during… Read more »
Comprendre les risques d’inondation à Niamey grâce à la cartographie open source, aux drones et à la modélisation
Pendant des millénaires, le fleuve Niger a été le poumon socioéconomique du Niger, mais aussi des pays voisins du bassin du Niger. Pourtant, même si cette imposante voie navigable permet à de nombreux Nigériens de se nourrir, s’approvisionner en eau, et gagner leur vie, elle présente également un grave risque d’inondation en Afrique de l’Ouest… Read more »
Addressing Flood Vulnerability in Niamey, Niger, West Africa
Authors: Dr. Ousmane Seidou is an associate professor of water resources engineering at the University of Ottawa, and an adjunct professor at the United Nations University, Centre for Water, Environmental and Health (UNU-INWEH). He is involved in research, teaching and capacity development activities related to water resources management, hydrological risk and adaptation to climate variability… Read more »